Hard science helps boosting your team interaction by understanding how each other work

HBC is now a certified Neurocolor partner
We at HBC have discovered that the groundbreaking work of Neurocolor can be very beneficial for companies undergoing change and wanting to get ready for the future. We have thoroughly studied and tested Neurocolor and we are convinced that we can help you boost your teamwork.
Awareness. Action. Results
Neurocolor is a science based assessment. Its validity has been confirmed by neurological and biological tests. Other than most assessments, Neurocolor refers to actual findings in the biological brain and is based on brain chemistry.
Brain chemistry is connected to personality traits
There are four biological systems linked to personality traits: dopamine/norepinephrine, serotonin, testosterone, and estrogen. Each of these systems is linked to a particular suite of personality traits. When you are aware of your team member’s individual drives and needs, improving interactions, communication and team performance is eased. 
How Neurocolor can boost your teamwork and personal communication
Every person is dominated by a different biological mindset, which affects their approach to work, life and also their values. Understanding the different drives, approaches and needs of each team member helps tremendously in forming highly effective and brilliantly cooperative teams, matching the specific tasks of the work group.
Who will benefit from Neurocolor?
  • Leadership: in depth understanding of your team members’ personality traits will help in forming and leading highly effective teams.
  • Flat hierarchy teams: being aware of your own and your co-workers work and communication style and needs will simplify working together tremendously and it will boost overall team performance.
  • Teams in change: improved interaction and communication between team members will benefit any change your organization may be needing in order to get ready for the future.
  • Groups with conflict: Neurocolor helps to find a common ground of communication, deeper understanding and working solutions.
Our offer
Apply Neurocolor for yourself and your team. We suggest an individually designed workshop. The typical duration is a one or two day workshop. Get in touch and HBC Consulting is happy to help you boost your teamwork.
Dank des Neurocolor Tests kann ich nun endlich meine Eigenschaften und Bedürfnisse besser verstehen und an meine Teamkollegen kommunizieren.“
„Der Moderator hat genau an den richtigen Stellen nachgebohrt.“
„Durch das Testergebnis und einer offenen Kommunikation darüber, hat sich das Team viel besser kennen und verstehen gelernt.“
„Durch den Neurocolor Workshop mit Hendrik Backerra ergaben sich offene Gespräche über die Eindrücke, Gefühle und Prioritäten Anderer. Und ich habe endlich ein ehrliches Feedback darüber erhalten, wie ich auf Andere wirke.“
„Ich kann nicht nur die einzelnen Persönlichkeiten und Charakteristika meiner Teamkollegen mehr und besser wahrnehmen, sondern auch darauf eingehen. Dadurch sprechen wir Probleme offener an, sind insgesamt entspannter und wir sind motiviert, Änderungen auch umzusetzen.“

Meht Informationen zum Thema Neurocolor finden sie in diesem Beitrag.