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We set up an individual team of experienced, inspiring people from our global network for each project

About Hendrik Backerra

Hendrik Backerra is head of Hendrik Backerra Consulting. Hendrik Backerra has become an internationally renowned expert in the field of cultural transformation within companies. He stands for change and passion.

Curriculum Vitae

Hendrik Backerra, born in 1969, lives in Berlin. He has been a Management Consultant and Executive Coach focusing on innovation and creativity, transformation of corporate cultures, transfering management skills, developing leadership skills and facilitating transformation processes since January 2010. Prior to starting his own business, Hendrik worked with McKinsey’s Organizational Behavior Practice as an Expert in charge of integrated change management projects for 3.5 years. Before joining McKinsey, Hendrik was an international Management Trainer and Coach for 5.5 years after having worked as an Engagement Manager and Project Manager with IBM Global Services for 4.5 years.


Hendrik Backerra graduated in Industrial Engineering (Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieur) from Technical University Berlin. His diploma thesis dealt with innovation and creativity within the scope of quality management. In addition to his professional training, he continuously pursued further education in coaching, training and facilitation, e.g. Barrett Values Assessment, NLP Master, Newfield Network (Ontological Coaching), Transformative Leadership (Gita Bellin), Spiral Dynamics, Reiss Profile, Emotional Intelligence, The Leadership Circle.

He is a member of the International Coaching Federation.

Social commitment

He supports organizations such as Teachfirst, Ashoka, Haus der kleinen Forscher, LEAD | Mercator Capacity Building Center for Leadership & Advocacy


Hendrik Backerra is the author/co-author of several books on self-motivation / self-management and creativity techniques.
