Cultural Transformation

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Your company will benefit from an inspiring and powerful corporate culture. Unleash the full potential of your staff and discover new opportunities. Hendrik Backerra Consulting supports you in this transformation.

Cultural transformation by HBC is:

  • Proven
  • Sustainable
  • Profound
  • Applicable in divisions or across the entire company
  • Developing capabilities in the organization
  • Integrating into your existing initiatives and restructuring efforts, e.g. lean/sales

Your benefits:

  • Increased innovation
  • Culture of openness
  • Strengthened mutual trust
  • Less cynicism
  • Increased common performance
  • Measurable changes


  • Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the desired development of a corporate culture based on values
  • Integration and activation of the entire organization
  • Enabling the management team to lead cultural transformation as role models
  • Training of internal change agents

A change in attitudes results in a change in the behavior of people and thus in a sunstainable change in the culture of an organization.

(N. Taranczewski)

Which priorities do we as a group set for the future? How do we make important strategic decisions? How can we work less in silos but cooperate more across divisions? How do we support and challenge our staff and ourselves in an effective way? How do we communicate across hierarchy levels in a pragmatic and trusting way?

Against the background of rapid economic change and new organizational challenges, management teams have to communicate continuously with their staff to make sure that all decisions and activities focus on a common objective. Having an open communication culture, which supports individual learning of the employees, is essential in this context.

Successful decisions for the future are based on intelligently designed round tables at management levels.

Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the culture help to develop this “intangible” component of the company.

Change in your corporate culture can be initiated through a rigorous 9 months facilitation process. It usually starts with an in-depth analysis of the present culture as well as of the desires and needs of the employees and executive staff for the future. The next stage is the so-called “cascading” or “waterfall stage”. A mutual understanding of the reasons for the present culture and the desired future is developed at this stage within the scope of dialogues across the management hierarchies. The team agrees measures for achieving the desired culture based on chosen values and priorities. Guidelines are adopted with respect to the activities to be taken. This message will then be communicated top down within the organization. The response generated this way will raise the performance potential of the organization. Employees are encouraged to accept their personal accountability for the current situation and to develop new options for acting in an aligned way. Customized additional interventions enforce the agreed behavior and norms at all employee levels. This will result in a corporate culture which enables effective and authentic management.

This is just one of many ways we can improve your corporate culture. Tell us about your situation and we will set up an effective facilitation process which will bring out the best of the collective soul of your organization.