The german Tour: “Building a Values-driven organization” of Richard Barrett completes with Master Class on the 21st of April

The event in Berlin marks the peak of a lecture and workshop tour, that will without doubt remain in positive memory for everyone involved. It was a week full of new knowledge and engrossing understanding.
Richard Barretts design, which depicts a 7-level model of the world is a modern approach of holistic corporate management. It comes along with many practical examples, a great moderation and his informal approaches that create an atmosphere full of openness and reciprocity, accompanied by a number of fruitful discussions on the side of the event.
The actual participants described it as positive and enlightening, especially the Culture Transformation Tool (CTT) that is easily applicable to praxis. Everyone was benefitting from the personal exchange with Richard Barrett and other participants.

The initiators of the Germany tour:

Sandra Baron, Hendrik Backerra, Dr. Andrea M. Bokler, Richard Barrett (founder of the Value Centre), Bastian Neumann (Host Masterclass le-ad), Karin Haven (CTT-user) and Dr. Michael Dipper (translator of the book “Values-Oriented Management” ).

HBC Consulting wishes to thank all stakeholders who helped us hosting this event with Richard Barrett! Concerning organizational development we will continue to bring mentors and lead pioneers such as Richard Barrett to Germany in the future. This will help to set goals for new impulses while shaping positive values and see the change/ transformation that is thus happening through, together with the company/organization. 
If you would like to use the power of the values-culture in your organization, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re always looking forward to new exchange!